API List
- API Introduction
- Authentication Key API
- Server Date and Time
- Embed Image API
- Attachment Download API
- Common lookups API
CRM Integration API
- List of companies with basic details
- Complete details of a company
- List of customers of a branch with basic details
- Register Person
- Register company
- Register address
- Register contact query
- Login ID availability check
- Customer Login API
Delivery / Shipment Order API
Expense Claims Integration API
- Register Expense Claim
- Add expense item to claim
- Save and present claim for approval
- Get list of claims with basic details
- Get claim with all details
Inventory Module Integration API
Sales Module Integration API
Shopping Cart Integration API
- Price List API
- Create Shopping Cart Order
- Add product to shopping cart
- Update payment details
- Get order in shopping cart
- List of orders in shopping cart
Procurement Module API
Manufacturing Module API
API # : 8009 | API Name : customers
This API gets filtered, sort and ordered records of active customers of a branch. Single branch entities also need to pass branch ID as this, and all other similar API, theat a sole entity also as a branch. This is so that, if in future, the organization adds a branch, branches or business entity, integrators (third party developers) do not have to revisit their code and make changes to include branch ID.
URL : <domain>/apic/companies
Methods Allowed : POST
Request Body : JSON Payload
Payload Structure :
Name | Description | Type |
bid | Branch ID of the branch for which data is required. | String |
search | Search text. | String |
show2 | Customer Group. Customer policy group that controls group level discounts, policies, thresholds and rules. | String |
show3 | Marketing Zone ID. | String |
show4 | Industry ID to filter customers from a particular industry | String |
show5 | Country. Two character country code. | String |
pp | Number of records per page. All the matching records are split in sets similar to pages. This value tells the system how many records have to be grouped under each page. Default value is 100 |
Integer |
page | Page number. Default is 1 | Integer |
srt | Sort by. Possible values are :
String |
order | Sort Order. ASC or DESC | String |
Request Headers :
Name | Description |
device | A short name of your application. Device is mandatory but any value between 3 and 20 characters is accepted. |
Authentication | Authentication code generated for API call. |
Sample Payload :
Sample success response :
Response Interpretation :
Key | Description |
totalitems | Total Number of items matching search criteria |