Tuhund - Register Expense Claim API

API # : 8024 | API Name : registerclaim

This API is used to register an expense claim from a person (Employee, Agent or any other person) or a business entity (Customer, Vendor or any other company) for reimbursement.

URL : <domain>/apic/registerclaim
Methods Allowed : POST

Please Note :

  1. In case parent information is sent in the payload, system will not check if the parent exists or not. System allows you to register a claim even before registering the parent entity. Therefore, if the parent ID is wrong, system will assume that you are registering claim against an entity that will be registered later. In such a case, i.e when the parent entity is registered later, system will auto-link the existing claim that was registered against such an entity, earlier.

Payload Schema :

Request Headers :

Name Description
device A short name of your application. Device is mandatory but any value between 3 and 20 characters is accepted.
Authentication Authentication code generated for API call.

Sample Payload :

Sample success response :

Sample failure response :

Case 1: Mandatory Field(s) Missing

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